T. L. Bradford, in his Homoeopathic Bibliography, lists the following entries for Samuel Swan:
1881: Nosodes and High Potencies with Clinical Cases illustrative of their action. 11 pages
1884: The Reason of the Faith that is in Me
1886. Potencies and Imponderables: IHA June 1886. Read before the IHA at Saratoga, NY June 1886. 6 pages
1886: Catalog of Morbific Products, Nosodes, and other Remedies in High Potencies. New York: Pusey &: Co. (This book contains a list of Dr. Swan's unique remedies ranging from the 1M to the DMM potency. The articles potentized are very remarkable). 32 pages
1887: Poisons: Read before the IHA June 1887. 4 pages
1887: Zymotic Remedies. 4 pages.
1888: Microzoa: Reprint from Medical Advance March 1888
1888: A Materia Medica Containing Provings and Clinical Verifications of Nosodes and Morbific Products: Collated and arranged for publication by E. A. Berridge, MD. New York: Pusey &: Co. 121 Pages (Thirty eight pages are devoted to a proving of Saccarum lactis; the reast of the book to provings of Lac caninum. "This first fascicle of the Materia Medica is placed before the profession asa feeler." It was intended to publish other provings, but as the "demand did not show a long-felt want," this was the "first and the last." It is really the second edition since a fire in the bindery destroyed nearly all the original edition of this book.)
1888: "To Whom it May Concern." 7 pages. (a pamphlet regarding Dr. Swan's treatment of small-pox, in a private charitable institution, with Variolin.)