Homeopathic Recorder, January 1892, page 8-9.
Note: Robert Boocock, was an 1891 graduate of New York Homeopathic, and practed in Flatbush, NY. He is the original prover of Heloderma horridus. -- JW
I have used this as an anti-fat remedy for several years, and know that it is good, having proved it upon myself. My grandfather was a great ale and beer drinker, and of course had a very large corporation-- big belly. He used to tell me that grandfather would never be dead as long as I was alive, meaning, that I would grow like him. This used to scare me as a child, but judge of my annoyance, as I grew to manhood, and found the prediction becoming true, and in late years I was very much troubled about it.
In studying Phytolacca, I saw the statement about birds, and began trying it, and always with much benefit. My own corporation is entirely gone. I can stand up straight and look down my body and see everything.
I used one drop of tincture made from berries picked from a tree in my garden. Equal berries to their weight of Alcohol. The berry juice with only enough Alcohol to prevent their fermentation is the best; then one drop doses night and morning are enough. While I was taking these drops I felt as light and springing as a bouncing ball. Could run and jump with any boy. I am now fifty-eight years old, and took my Saturday half holidays in the cricket field, playing that manly and scientific game.
I have used it on others, and all with benefit. Some very fat women have been made comfortable. I have used it, medicating No. 35 pellets with this tincture which dyes them pink, and all have spoken highly of the Pink pill. By actual measurement their fat (adipose) has been reduced by inches. It was easier to keep track by measure than by weight. In a few cases they have said they gained in weight, while they grew less in bulk, but all confessed to the elasticity they felt.
Stiffness of the shoulders, difficulty in getting coats on and off and difficulty to get hands up to head-- it has done some splendid cures.
I have one case in hand now of a chronic paralytic-rheumatism of the thighs I am trying it upon; it has done great good already; and I have a hope it will cure with the hot iron rubbed over the stiff cords daily.
Another use I am making of the Phytolacca root it may be worth while to mention. In mastitis and cervicitis I am using an ointment. I boil the Phytolacca root in petrolina, (this is stronger and stiffer than any form of vaselin I can get) equal quantities, and let it gradually simmer for six hours then strain. It reduces the hardness, suppresses the inflammation, and cures in a short time, and prevents suppuration.
I write this to answer your question in RECORDER, November 15, 1891, "Is there any Virtue in Phytolacca Berries ?" I answer in the above.
ROBERT Boocock, M. D. Flatbush L. I. N. Y.