Verifications And Clinical Symptoms

By W. A. Yingling, MD, Emporia, Kansas.

A number of cured cases by W. A. Yingling (1851-1933) who practiced in Emporia, Kansas. As were many other members of the IHA, Yingling was a prescriber of very high potencies.

The clinical experiences of Dr. Deschere and Dr. Baylies in the discussion that follows are of value.

Luesinum is another name for Syphilinum. The "cmm" potency is 100,000,000; "dmm" is 500,000,000. The "(F)" indicates the remedy was made by Bernhardt Fincke, "(Swan)" indicates the remedy was made by Samuel Swan. The names are linked to pages about these two people. The method of manufacture of potencies by Martin Dechere is unknown.

Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association, 1898.

pages 47-50.

Pyrogen cmm (Swan): A case of measles with backache; extreme restlessness, change of position every moment, literally all over the bed; now at the head, now at the foot, now at the sides of the bed; momentary relief by the frequent change. Soon quieted down with no return.

Oleum Animale 50m (F): Mucus in the throat; great hawking and clearing out of the mucus after meals. In connection with this there was a nervous hoarseness; in company or at the very time the party desired to have a clear voice, it would become hoarse, seemingly from mucus, causing hawking and confusion. This has been greatly relieved with prospects of a cure.

Medorrhinum billionth (Swan): Leucorrhoea in a pure young girl. aet. 13; profuse, running down the clothes to the feet, stiffening the linen; thick, yellow. Sycotic.

Ledum, 45m (F): Nail run into the sole of the left foot, threatened tetanus, laws stiff, severe pain in the foot and up the leg, wound cold.

Ars. Hydrogenisatum cm (Swan): Severe pain, some swelling under the ball of the middle toes of the left foot, preventiug stepping on it; painful to touch on top of the foot, where there is a slight puffiness.

Ratanhia, 10m (F): Toothache of a pregnant woman; had to arise each night and walk about for relief; little or no trouble during the day. Had always been troubled for several months during four previous pregnancies; no trouble after the remedy.

Rhus tox., 50m (Deschere): Soreness of the umbilicus, with constant oozing of a yellow pus, in a young girl, aet. 14. No cause known for the condition.

Borax, 45m (F): Stoppage of the right nostril, left nostril open, with frequent desire to blow the nose or attempt to blow wind through it; nostril completely stopped. Entirely cleared in less than three minutes with no return.

Calcarea carb, cm (F): Stabbing pain upward under the left patella whenever bending the knee. Prompt cure.

Lachesis cm (F): An extremely sore spot, about the size of a silver dollar, between navel and end of breast bone sensitive to pressure; worse raising arms to head.

Medorrhinum, billionth (Swan): Extremely sensitive, swollen bunions, worse on left foot, puffed, very red, feet hot; in the center there is a spot as if blood had collected, which is very sore; itching very annoying, must remove shoes to rub them, which relieves for the time; very sensitive to pressure; flesh feels as if cracked open; in the evening, after being on the feet all day, almost unendurable; worse on warm days; feet swollen and tender. A young lady school teacher, aet. 24; feet have always been a source of torment. Had taken a dose of Luesinum, dmm., some months before without relief. Ten days after one dose of Medorrhinum, she wrote: "Hardly knew myself the next morning. Feet do not now hurt when wearing my shoes."

Luesinum, dmm (Swan): Sensation of a rubber band around the toes of both feet; a case of corns. Corns not cured, but the sensation was very promptly removed.

Luesinum, dmm (Swan): Coppery, brownish scabs all over the face and on the temples, rather dry. A number of cases. A baby had scabs of the same character over the entire body. Very prompt cures.

Lac vaccinum (whole milk) cm (F): Greasy looking scabs on the face, mostly about the mouth and chin. A number of cases. A boy with these greasy scabs also had an abnormal craving for milk. After the remedy, this craving was removed and he could drink milk like other children. These greasy scabs are promptly removed by this remedy.

China, 54m (Deschere): Sensation as of a large hole, or as if something had fallen out in the region of the spleen. In same patient a sensation of wind blowing through a hole in the dress on the back between the shoulders; so real that she sometimes had her mother look to see whether there was not a hole in her dress.

Lachesis, cm (F) : Argent Nitr. cmm (Swan) : Constant urging to urinate, unable to pass any, except by placing cloths wet with cold water on the vulva, then very scant; great distress and tenderness over the bladder; a dazed feeling; will have no one, not even her mother, present when she tries to urinate, must be alone or she cannot pass any urine; very sensitive about the hypogastrium to even the very lightest clothing, frequently lifting the thin nightdress; sensitive about the neck, must have clothing open; sensation as if the genitals were very sensitive or sore, but are not really so; urine scant; must sit up all the time, unable to lie down. Lachesis promptly relieved all the symptoms except the inability to urinate unless she placed wet cloths on the vulva; Argent nitr. completed the cure. A young lady, aet. 22. She had been sick many months under the "regulars."

Eugenia jamb. 200 (Dunham): A very troublesome cough, worse at night; pain in the throat pit when coughing and no place else; irritation to cough in the throat pit; at times, a deep, hoarse cough.

Luesinum dmm (Swan): Oedematous swelling of the right hand and fingers, extending up the arm in rings or ridges as it advanced; tense and full; ends of fingers cold; lack of sensation. In a boy, aet. 12. Came on after hammering hulls from walnuts. His father is subject to the same condition; comes on suddenly in both father and boy; apparently from jarring or use of hand in work similar to using the hammer or paint brush. Father a painter.

Luesinum cmm (Swan): Blood boils or tumors, first came on and behind right ear; broke and discharged pus and blood, then only bloody matter; later, one came on the nose, two-thirds of an inch across, round like a bubo or carbuncle. Skin rough as from pimples under it. The legs ached at night before the tumors came. When a baby (now three years old) had a yellow, pimply rash on the head. Father syphilitic.


Dr. Dechere: It is impossible to discuss the subject, as it simply gives the experience of remedies. But the doctor calls for more experience, and I think I can give one with reference to Medorrhinum, that I had lately, which may add to the case the doctor has given. A young woman, age 23, had chronic blepharitis since her eleventh year. She had been under homeopathic treatment all this time without any result. Her father is a very strict homeopath, and she had been to various high potency homeopaths. Her suffering was very intense all the time; she could hardly go into society on account of the effect of light upon the eyes, especially gas light. She could not read in the evening, and in the morning the lids would be closed, and she would suffer very much in getting them separated. There was a great deal of discharge, and in that strait she came to me about ten months ago. Now, knowing that most probably every remedy had been exhausted on this patient, I thought I would take advantage of the failure of my predecessors, and knowing that I had treated her father, before he was married, for gonorrhoea, I thought there might be some latent effect in this patient, and I gave her Medorrhinum on the experience I had with her father. I gave her one dose and followed it up with Sac. lac. until I found that the effect had ceased, then I repeated the dose until I found that her trouble was entirely cured. I used the fluxion potency according to Fincke's plan; I am sorry to say I didn't mark any number; I simply marked it fluxion potency; I suppose it must have been what Fincke would call the fifty-thousandth, but it certainly was an effective potency and did the work.

Dr. Baylies: I think Dr. Boger mentions in the proving a symptom in a certain portion of the body, as of a cavity exposed to the air, into which cold air was blowing.

I had the case of a man who had suffered from profuse hematemesis, followed by ascites, anasarca, and albuminuria, accompanied by severe, harsh, laryngeal cough; each cough attended by offensive exhalation; during paroxyms of cough or sneezing, vertigo with inclination to fall; this man has the symptom of an open cavity in the lower right chest, exposed to the cold air.

I gave him Culex musca, which removed this symptom; also disappeared the dropsy, laryngeal cough, with offensive exhalations, and the albuminuria.